Going for the Goal

How many times has this happened to you? There are a bunch of things you need to do, but there’s no real pressure to get them done. What happens? If you’re anything like me, you tend not to get that list finished. You think to yourself ‘I’ve got time. I’ll do it later…’ and suddenly, that list you had all the time in the world to do is a mile long and it all has to be done NOW.

jugglerCompare that to having a schedule that is jam-packed full of things that need to happen. You look at everything that needs to get done and plot and plan your next steps. This is on the way to that so I’ll knock these two things off on my way to…. Suddenly, your day is full. You have a plan of attack and you’re crossing things off that ‘to do’ list faster than someone can add something to the end of it, right?

Don’t let ‘all the time in the world’ stop you from getting things done. Make a list and promise yourself that you’re going to mark off at least two things each day. And don’t cheat! Don’t make them the easy things. Make them something you really need to accomplish and give yourself the satisfaction of getting it done.

As it works out, the busier you are, the more you’re able to do.
Get busy!

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